Finding Our Ways Out, from This Cloud We’d Been Under

We’re trapped, underneath these storm clouds, and, with the thunders sounding off so loud, the lightning that flashed too F***ING (maxed out???) hard.

Finding our ways out, from this cloud we’d been under, okay, here’s how we TACKLE this HUMONGOUS “elephant” in the “room”, first, we find out exactly WHEN we “went” wrong, but that, is very troublesome, as we can’t pinpoint the EXACT date AND time when we’d started “slipping”…

Finding our ways out, from this cloud we’d been under, but how, when neither one of us can figure out just how and WHERE we’d first taken that wrong turn?  Was it when you’d cried to your mother about how I wasn’t giving you enough love?  Or, was it when I’d told my girlfriends that you lost your job, that your EGO took a HUGE hit?  Or, was it on our separate methods we raised this “shared” child of ours?

Finding our ways out, from this cloud we’d been under, how ‘bout that second honeymoon?  My friend said it did the trick for them, so, maybe, we can try that, but, what if it don’t work, and, we’d spent so much on this supposed “second honeymoon”, using the money we don’t got, then, we’d be in debt, UP to our necks then, wouldn’t we?  So, it’s still NOT a V-I-A-B-L-E “option”, and, from where we are right now, I’m thinking, that the H-I-G-H-W-A-Y IS the only VIABLE option!

and no, still NOT my picture!!!

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