The Speechlessness of an Editor-in-Chief

A bunch of babies, expecting their editors to, cuddle them, to give them words of praises, and these immature writers are expecting their editors to, MOMMY them, and that’s NOT what the editors are there, to do, they’re there, to make sure that the work you crank out is up to standards, not to, offer you, that soft place to, L-A-N-D, so grow UP already, huh???  Translated…

I don’t know about others who work in my industry, but I’d tried not, to let any authors know of this sort of a, feeling (ahhhhhhhh, wouldn’t they know it, after this gets, published).

Some writers, “if I could”, I’d rather never work with them.  Of course, this was due to the “last time” we’d worked, together, mostly, we’d met for the, very first time, with that expectation, that sort of, looking up to, respectful feel for them, but, in our working together, some of the things, started, not going, so well, tried communicating (but, maybe, I was, not blunt enough), that led to, the need for more, communications, I’d tried to adjust to this feeling, this need, and that sense of helplessness had, no end to it.  Then, I can only wish, that we never, work with each other, again, I wish “you” the, best, that you will find another editor, who will, expect the same boundaryless support to you.

Hmmmm, or maybe, you are, thinking about this too?

True, it isn’t because of you, being awful as a writer, it’s just, that we’re, ill-fitted.  My reminder, you do not need to mind; your reminder (which often is, unrelated to the work), I’d not need to, take all of them, in and, respond back.  I hope you (if there’s a next time), “clean up the work you hand in to me the “next time), organize everything better, then, hand it to me, you can do them by sections if needed, let’s discuss this?

Some things, the editors wouldn’t want to hear, you’d blurted out, it’s okay, but if you, keep on, ranting incessantly, or use the pressures of needing to turn in your drafts to us as an excuse, then, it would be, NOT, O-K-A-


“I’d already, written a whole, lot, isn’t it clear?” (nope, where’s the concrete examples?  How about the field research?  You’d written so many words, but, there are, too much, repeated……” or “the avid reader can tell.”  (then, what about, your, other, audiences?)

“I will get yelled at if I write this out”, (that’s why we’re, discussing this, how to, use, a round-and-about-way, to convey what you want to, say, to get to what the readers wouldn’t know, what they have the rights to, know, right?)

is this work, good enough already??? Photo from online

“I’m not a good writer (or: you’d not written that well this time), what’s that mean?  I’d written everything like you’d, told me to!”, and that is still, not what made us feel, so, powerless, “I rely on your, editing, skills”, when you’d typed this in the private messages of FB or LINE, you can’t see my difficult face.

And, there’s, this and, that too.  Not told in, a few, words.  These years, as I was working with varied writers, they’d sometimes, become this, schemata that’s, run on in my head, a form of a, soliloquy.  It’s just, that I can’t allow for any audience to this.  Because of all the concerns, I couldn’t tell it straight to, you.  Nor can I, tell it to those who are in the, same, industries.

I’d never told you: sometimes, I’d had to use “from the angles of the reader”, or “the editor-in-chief’s opinions on your work is………”, to add to what I need to state, what I want to say, I’d expected, that you would be more than, able to, come out of the end you’d, drilled too deep into your own, stubborn, persistence, hearing (playing that role of nonexistent voice from the other end of the line) me, and would be more willing to, understand me (or us), who are, actually, trying to, work together with you, to better your, work before it publishes.

Actually, I know it all.  What you wanted to hear more of, or, those words you’d, spoken with a little less, intended, they’re all, showing your, unsettlement, your lack of, self-confidence, but that’s not, within the job description of us, editors-in-chief.  Working together, facing things, that are, only, related to the, work getting, published, that, is what would be, within our, job, description, right?

And every time, I’d, fallen in (again)—or, maybe, it was, due to chance that we’d, met up, all we have is, one, another—and, because of this sense of, awareness, along with the expectations.  We’d forgotten:  some of the times, the work is, like that, silent, mama’s boy, their parents are more eager, to see them, gaining the world’s, attention, but not yet readied themselves, can’t be honest enough towards ones own work, or oneself, with the contortions, distortions, that persistence of, perfectionism without a doubt, and, we editors, can’t, help you.  And if this is your state of mind, pray tell, how do I, expect, to “work well” with you?

So, this is the role of the editor-in-chief, the writers, based off of this, wanted the pats on the backs by their editors, but, that’s not the editors’ job, editors are here, to make sure, that the work you printed out is high enough in quality, and yet, these babies, they all want to have their mommies, to give them thumbs up, well, guess what, CHILDREN, that’s not what the editors in chief do, they’re there, to MAKE sure that your work in high enough (not asking for that excellence yet!) quality, that people would, want to, read them, so, give them a break already, huh???

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