Wise Men Say, a Poem

The contemplations of, the purpose of existence of humans, what are we, here for, an, existentialist, questions, I suppose…translated…

Through the Birth Canals, Lives are, Created, He said

Through the Tunnels, You Can, Enter, into Death

Loneliness, Broken Down, a Unicorn

And a Unicycle

The Sunset Hooked Up the Time that’s Far, Faraway in the Distance

Through the Gates of Hell, there are the Road, Back Up to the Ground, He’d Told

Through the Grayed, Cloudy Skies, there will be, Sunny Up Ahead

Surpassing, the Dark Currents, the Fallen Flowers

That Incomplete Ancient Verse

from the Peanut Gallery…查看來源圖片found online

Where Can We Find, Those Lonely Travelers Away from Home

The Happiest Moments, is the Moment Closest to the Happiest Times, He’d Told

True Death is, Never Dying Again

The Specimen that, Cried Aloud on the Walls

Those Eyes that, Looked into Life & Death

Hollowed, Between the Worlds, with Mouth Wide Open

The Lips, Sucking, the Arms in Embrace, Doubling the Bliss

These, Quieted Nights, the Whispers of the Second Hand Stashed, Inside the Bottles, He’d Told

The Strong Liquor, Became Lava, as It’d, Passed Through the Throat

The Core of the Earth Was, Diagnosed with, Lupus

The Sun Always, Wanted to, Stand on its Head at the End of the Streets

The Lamps Stood, Watching Over the Nights, and Couldn’t Tell What it Was Anymore

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That Slimmed Down Shadow, How does it, Compromise with the Coming of the Daytime

Those Who See Colors are, Colorblind, He’d Told

Only the Wise Thought They Were, Fools

The Roads You Walked, are of, Nothingness

The Challenges of Fate, Lined Up Like the Words

The White Brick, Stacked on the Combination of Light

Becoming Ash, God, also, into Foolish Human Beings

And so, this, is quite philosophical, so, what are we, exactly?  No more than, a waste of physical space, creating more carbon dioxide, to pollute this world more and more by the day???  Or are we, able to, become, something more?

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